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Patent Application: A patent application for the iris imaging acquisition system for the expansion of iris recognition range.
관리자|2021-08-03 Hit|1,219
Files #1 icon Certificate of Patent.pdf (667.4KB)

We have applied for a patent on the iris image acquisition system for the expansion ofiris recognition range.

Name of patent invention: iris imageacquisition system for expanding iris recognition range
Patent number: No. 10-2274270
Registration Date: July 1, 2021

20210727_8월3일 기사용 이미지_특허기사_이미지_210728.jpg

This patent technology is designed to overcomethe distance limitations of iris imaging for iris recognition.
Using image processing technology and opticalzoom control technology, the recognition distance has been extended to 40 to100cm


which is longer than theexisting iris recognition access control products